
Thursday, 20 September 2018

Walt: use Our Knolaedge of layering images to create Kararehe
2 Arewhana
2 Kakiroa
6 Pea Mauri
7 Raiona
1 Rakiraki

11 Kamera

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Super Mcguffin

Super Mcguffin

( please ignore Dog Mcguffins low education)

By day I am dog mcguffin your normal neighbourhood dog.
By night I am dog mcguffin, protector of the human world.

I can run on walls, levitate with my mind only, and mind control.
I am super strong, super fast and super smart. I only have one
weakness. Loud noises. I have a horrible habit of whenever I
here one…  I wake up. But that doesn't stop me from saving
the world from peril every other day, normally. You see that I
have a human, and my human needs me. Her looking balls
don’t work. And she needs me to look for her. Being a
superhero I can keep her safe from pure evil like cats and mail
men.  But someday I hope to protect her from meteors and
aliens. But something tells me that day will come soon. Unlike
me my human mixes bright coloured waters. Although she
shouldn't because it often makes mini fire pops and tiny black
sky sheep. One day she mixed blue and green waters. The
water holders broke and started to foam. Them the foam
started to make the table disappear like a monster that you
can’t see was eating it. So my superhero instincts kicked in.
I pounced on my human and she tumbled into a trolley. I saw
the invisible beast eat more and more so I pushed the trolley
out of the building. Just as I got out right behind me was the
biggest fire pop I had ever seen. when my eyes adjusted  to
the light I saw a big white van and a dark blue car. Some
other humans stepped out of the van and came to look after
my human. a man came and congratulated me and a few
days later I was given a shiny disk like in my dreams.
Another victory by Super Mcguffin

The Deep

The Depths

AS I lung into the water I hold my breath, but soon open my
eyes to the world of wonder that is the pacific. I sink deeper
and deeper into the the world of grace and kaos that is growing
around me. The water is buzzing with activity of all kinds.
I spot a reef and swim a fraction closer. My dad warned me
not to touch them as they are Extremely Fragile. I turn onto
my back and close my eyes , It feels like I am an astronaut
floating through space. I open my eyes to see the most
wounderus thing. A giant jellyfish, a meter long at least. It
seems to be glowing in the dark sea. My Dad tries to call me
up to the surface but curiosity gets the best of me and I follow
the Jelle deeper Into the murky water. I only realise how deep
I am when I start to run out of Oxygen. I look up only to see
that I could never make it back. I see A small cave not far off
and hope that there is a air bubble. If not I’ll be toast. I swim
as fast as I can and It’s my lucky day, An air bubble. I climb in
to see another man already there. He charges at me with a
sharp piece of coral. And it is only then, that I wake up.

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Why is the sky Blue?

WALT: Write am information report.
Why is the sky blue?

It is a question that has had people stumped for years and is finally answered. Today you will be told why the sky is blue.

It all starts with the Sun. The Sun gives out light that comes in different colours and each colours has a different density and each density relates to a different texture/material that makes the objects its colour.

The next thing that comes into play is the atmosphere. All things with mass are made up of matter and matter has colour. Floating in the air is matter or atoms which are microscopic particles which makes up everything in existence including air.

Air is mostly made up of carbon atoms which as luck would have it is made up of the right  material so that it is blue. so as the blue bounces off the carbon atoms the rest of the colours glide by.

This process is similar to how rainbows are made. The light goes on the water in the atmosphere to create the colours of the rainbow.

So in conclusion the Sky is blue because of the properties of the Sun the atmosphere and carbon, and that is why the Sky is Blue.